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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best Job in the World

BEST JOB IN THE WORLD - SALARY for SIX MONTHS $150,000 (£68,000).
What would you do to secure the job of exploring a cluster of tropical islands and reporting back to an envious world? To date, candidates have been stripping off, making improbable promises, getting tattooed - and just plain begging to be appointed.
The job, billed as the best in the world, was announced this week by Queensland's tourism department, which is seeking to promote the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. Since then, its website has had four million hits, crashed several times and received 2,000 60-second video applications.
Among those vying to be paid to swim with turtles and stroll along pearly white sands are an Olympic equestrian gold medallist from Switzerland, an Italian doctor, an ex-British Army commander and a teenager from England who is sick of the cold.
The video clips, downloaded to a dedicated website http://www.islandreefjob.com/, demonstrate the lengths to which candidates are prepared to go. One shows an Australian woman entering a tattoo parlour and emerging with a four-inch tattoo on her arm, stating: "I (heart) islands of the Great Barrier Reef."
The lucky person will be appointed for six months, on a salary of $150,000 (£68,000).

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